Knapp Community Care Foundation Grant

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The Rio Grande Valley Diabetes Association has received a grant from the Knapp Community Care Foundation. This grant will allow for the implementation of a two-pronged approach of online presentations that will address the need for helping Mid-Valley residents and others to focus on their diet and physical activity to combat diabetes and obesity.  “Health Care at Its Best” is the name of the virtual presentation by local physicians. The topics will relate to the COVID-19 virus and its effect on persons with diabetes. The presentations will be available twice monthly through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and RGVDA’s website. Other topics also relevant to the person with diabetes are obesity, hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, depression and vision issues which may lead to blindness. Persons with diabetes and their caretakers often feel isolated and lacking vital information in their experience with diabetes and COVID -19. Virtual lectures by area doctors will give the community a means to learn more abut the prevention, complications of diabetes and its relationship to COVID-19.  “Cooking with The Stars” is the virtual presentation by local celebrities cooking nutritious meals while local dietitians/diabetes educators provide information about the healthy features of the recipes being prepared. The virtual cooking classes will occur twice monthly through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the RGVDA website. These lectures will address nutrition, eating behaviors and meal composition.  COVID-19 has changed our way of life due to families being sheltered at home and loss of jobs, which have led to overeating and depression. The over consumption of processed food is well documented.

The Knapp Community Care Foundation was created in late 2012 with the mission to improve the health of Mid-Valley families in the Rio Grande Valley-Deep South Texas. KCCF strategically invests in organizations that support Prevention, Health Management and Wellness programs that focus on keeping the community healthy.

The RGDVA is a local and independent not for profit diabetes association for Hidalgo County. This allows us to provide programs and services tailored specifically for your area and guarantees that all funds generated by the RGVDA are used for the residents of Hidalgo County.

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